Maxx Fit is a revolutionary sports and fitness training center that is equipped with the newest and latest facilities in the Middle East and North Africa. It is the first and largest of its kind in Libya. We, at Maxx Fit, believe that exercising is a tribute to the body, mind and spirit. Therefore, we aim at inspiring people of all ages not only Libya, but also the Middle East and North Africa to exercise because it can truly be a life changer.

Mr. Abdurrauf Buhajar has dedicated a lot of his time to thoroughly explore several sports and fitness studies and researches before establishing MaxxFit Center.

Then, a profound analysis has been conducted to determine which type of equipment should be purchased. This thorough study has also tackled the required quality standard; the required personnel qualifications and the intensive training which they need to undergo to become part of the MaxxFit family. After that, a clear vision has started to materialize. We have started to work on all the essential details from which our trademark will be born; from the interior and exterior designs to choosing the suitable paint colors, creating the right atmosphere, selecting the staff uniform and also the appropriate temperature that is based on universal standards.

We aim at making MaxxFit an exemplar, for all the other sport centers, that embodies the standards of a well-established sports and fitness center not only in Libya, but also in the Middle East and North Africa. All the age groups in the society can benefit from its services too.

We will be working on establishing other new sport centers to suit the needs of the different Libyan cities to promote health and fitness.