Successful Stories

Mukhtar Al Bahi

If there is a well there is a way

3 months, 20KG lost. “The Best Transformation I’ve Ever Seen” without any fat burning supplements only aerobic exercises and personal training as well as diet program. If you are (really) overweight, out of shape, and worried that it’s too late to get started – stop. It will take time, and it won’t be easy, but it IS possible.


Mohamed Khalifa

Mohamad’s Incredible 32KG Weight Loss Journey

50 years old man weight 116 KG, but charged with Determination, after 6 months Mohamed lost 36KG. “I never though I will do it” through heavy exercise and support from MaxxFit Trainers Mohamed made it, his personal trainer said to him before he start “Age is just a number” that’s when Mohamed Journey started. If you are (really) overweight, out of shape, and worried that it’s too late to get started – stop. It will take time, and it won’t be easy, but it IS possible.


Mohamed al Maqsabi from Benghazi

Mission Impossible!

From 170 KG to 107 KG in 10 months! Mohamed was able to do it, even though he was living in Benghazi and the personal training sessions was through the phone. This prove that no matter what is your circumstances you can always find a way to achieve your goals.


Mustafa Hamza

“Al Hilal” National Football player

After the tough injury that Mustafa has suffered from which made him leave the fields for almost 2 months, Mustafa Al Hilal football team decided to send Mustafa to do a surgery in Tunisia. One of Al Hilal directors consulted our chief doctors Dr. Laith Al Sinfaz about the case and both of them decided to send Hamza to a comprehensive rehabilitation program at MaxxFit medical center. After one month of intensive rehabilitation and medical program Hamza was able to join his team again and go back to the fields.


Ziad Abusrwill

A wake up call

Meet Ziad, a 23-year-old man and a fighter for life! Just earlier this year, Ziad was living a sedentary life. At 210 KG, classified as “morbidly obese,” Ziad found he was unhappy with his current track, out of energy, and in need of a change. But then he decided he wanted to get healthy, he started sports and fitness and joined MaxxFit lately and since his sport journey our coach Ali Werfali supervised his case, and over the next 18 months lost over 90 KG.


Hany Yussef Ouf

Youssef’s Awesome Success Story: 3 Months, 24 KG Lost. Win.

Full of determination Youssef joined MaxxFit for one reason, a better life style, within 3 months he was able to lose 24KG through exercise and personal training, our coach Ahmed Shadi helped him to find the way, now he not just exercise, he is shaping his a 6 packs.


Ayman Hnaish

50 days marathon

Ayman has lost 15 KG in 50 days, when he first joined our fitness center he felt it was a waste of time, then our personal trainer Ali Werfali challenged him with this marathon weight lost concept, it took him only 50 days to lose 15 KG and feel alive again.


Adam Hweg

Age is just a number!

Adam a 41 Years old man has never thought of doing sport, he thought that he is too old for that, but when he met our personal trainer Ali Werfali, Adam said to himself why not! Over the past year, he was able to slowly and steadily bring that down before having an incredible breakthrough that allowed him to transform drastically. not surprisingly, he started to see results that most people would kill for.
